
From Noolaham Foundation
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In the ‘Panaiyolai’ documentation seminar held on 09.09.2012 a variety of documents belonging to periods before 1981 had been handed over to the Jaffna Public Library in the digital format. Moreover in the discussion period of the programme the core topic was the the Platforms at which the other private and state sector organizations could function in collaboration with the Foundation with respect to documentation and today we are able to reap the ultimate benefit out of the programme. Currently the Public Library is very likely to work in close association with the Foundation in its projects. The Noolaham Foundation has been actively working on a crucial project over the last few months whose primary aim is to create an unlimited supply of resources of all kinds for the secondary education pupils of the country by which a student would gain access to all the required materials for his academic work from the website itself. In this regard the vital part of the project was the collection of documents such as textbooks, exam papers and reference books. The Jaffna Public Library definitely is an abundant source of such materials and to our delight Mrs.Emelda Karunaharan, Librarian of the Jaffna Public Library had expressed a positive response in this venture. We are pleased to inform that the digitization of documents including those supplied by the Library is currently in successful progress and we are through a big milestone in our project. We convey our sincere thanks to all those people actively participating in the project.

