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'''Technology''' is an integral component of many programs undertaken by the Noolaham Foundation. We use and build on range of technologies including scanning technologies, archiving and digital library software, educational software and collaboration tools.  
The Technology Division provides technical support to the activities and projects carried out by the Foundation. Technology activities are managed by Technology Team.
== Backup ==
The '''Technology Team''' is responsible for the strategic technology planning and infrastructure implementation for all of Noolaham's operationsDocumentation/data collection, scanning, online library, project management and co-ordination all require cost effective software and hardware infrastructure and support.
There is backup and restore plan in inplace to ensure the Noolaham Foundation's long term preservation of its work from technical or other failuresThe goal is to have robust mechanism to regularly backup all necessary work in multiple geographical locations and restore promptly when needed.
Noolaham Digital Library consists of three main components: the data files (pdfs, html, images), the database with metadata, and the website. All three are backed on a weekly bases on three different geographical locations.
== Key Activities ==
Key activities for the Technology Team include:
* Customization, hosting, maintenance and backup of the Noolaham digital library.
* Software, hardware and logistics support for various Noolaham Foundation's projects.
* Guidance with regards to scanners, scanning technologies and processes to be implemented in the Noolaham scanning centers. 
* Research, reporting and implementation of the technical Digital Preservation Standards for the Noolaham Foundation.
* Providing internal collaboration tools. 
* Technology, analysis and support for the design and implementation of digital library software.
* Provide risk assessment and of the digital collections supported by the Noolaham foundations.
== Digital Library Software ==
== Our Team ==
Currently [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki Mediawiki] is being used as the digital library software for Noolaham Digital Library.  Mediawiki is being currently used because it is free, easy to use and maintain.  However, considering our growing needs we are in the process of transitioning into a proper institutional repository software.
We are a diverse team of information technology professionals, programmers, academics and students.
Currently Noolaham technical team is evaulating various digital library software for implimentation.  The following features are identified as priorities:
'''Multimedia support, Meta-data,File system, Search, Browsing, Multilinqual support, Scalability, Extendability, Easy of maintenance, Software community'''
== Hosting ==
Hosting of the Noolaham digital library involves considerable IT implementation.  The storage and bandwidth are two major concerns.  Currently the library is hosted in a LAMP platform.  The storage requirements exceed 350GB.  Is being hosted by '''[http://webspace2host.in webspace2host.in]''' as in-kind donation.
== Archiving and Preserving Technology ==
Noolaham's primary function is to archive and preserve physical and digital sources for the long term.  In addition cataloging, classification, and distribution of collected sources are of our concerns.  Wherever possible physical sources are collected and digitalized.  Text and images are digitalized in high quality for preservation and possible optical character recognition.  Smaller size and web suitable versions (usually pdfs) are created for online distribution.
We are in the process of finalizing standards for scanning, and storing all forms of media (text, images, audio, video, web).  Our standards are based on established institutional standards.
Please refer to the digital library software details for information about how meta data is collected about sources and how the sources are shared online.
[[Category:All Pages]]

Revision as of 19:40, 4 June 2012

Technology is an integral component of many programs undertaken by the Noolaham Foundation. We use and build on range of technologies including scanning technologies, archiving and digital library software, educational software and collaboration tools.

The Technology Team is responsible for the strategic technology planning and infrastructure implementation for all of Noolaham's operations. Documentation/data collection, scanning, online library, project management and co-ordination all require cost effective software and hardware infrastructure and support.

Key Activities

Key activities for the Technology Team include:

  • Customization, hosting, maintenance and backup of the Noolaham digital library.
  • Software, hardware and logistics support for various Noolaham Foundation's projects.
  • Guidance with regards to scanners, scanning technologies and processes to be implemented in the Noolaham scanning centers.
  • Research, reporting and implementation of the technical Digital Preservation Standards for the Noolaham Foundation.
  • Providing internal collaboration tools.
  • Technology, analysis and support for the design and implementation of digital library software.
  • Provide risk assessment and of the digital collections supported by the Noolaham foundations.

Our Team

We are a diverse team of information technology professionals, programmers, academics and students.