Template:Virtual Learning Environments/Phases

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Phases 1

Virtual educational resources (curriculum, text books, notes, assignments/exercises/labs, quizzes/tests, teaching guides)

It is vital to have a reference library for any learning environments. This motivates the need of a digital library for VLE. Digital library has to be capable of providing much information/reference to a student. Thus, it decides an aim of large content providing. To manipulate contents easily, they are organized based on each subject of each grade. Digital library contents for each subject are publications by Education Department of SriLanka (syllabus, teacher's guide, textbooks) and model/past exam papers. This digital library for VLE is accessible for all who connects through internet. There are no privileges restrictions.

  1. Collecting documents that include syllabus, teacher manuals, text books, model/exam papers and past exam papers of general examinations
  2. Scan the collected documents
  3. Design and implement a framework to display the documents
  4. Upload and give access to the documents
  5. Introduce the digital library to primary/secondary/advanced level students

Phases 2

Virtual learning management systems (courses, video/multi media, animations, dynamic tools, collaboration tools, assessment, administration)

There are different technologies, methodologies and tools to implement virtual learning environments. But, selecting an appropriate and sustainable way to produce our virtual learning environments is more important to achieve our ultimate aim. Usual aspects, which constructs a VLE, are question banks, video lectures, explanations through animations, online testing or experimenting tools. There has no boundary to confine this as it evolves by time. Once a new trend or tool is identified, that will be included. More or less a student should feel a classroom environment virtually.

  1. Structure and reorganize each course to reduce complexity of learning
  2. Design and implement each course within the learning management system
  3. Refer to digital library documents as course materials
  4. Prepare and upload easy learning materials which are animations, videos and short notes
  5. Introduce the learning management system to students

Phases 3

Social learning systems (self sustaining co-learning, collaborating, co-creating learning communities)

A student feel comfortable with his/her learning as there occurs useful interactions. Peer-to-peer learning and social collaborative learning form this environments. Peer-to-peer learning happens through peer evaluation and peer knowledge supporting. This captures a particular area of virtual learning. Obviously, Virtual peer-to-peer learning is more efficient as peers are self-motivated. Forums connect students, teachers and scholars at one place to share their knowledge. This creates an environment where information/knowledge passes through different communities and not kept with individuals.

  1. Introduce peer-to-peer learning tools(evaluation tools, learning material sharing tools)
  2. Create interactive forums in the learning management system that connect intellectuals
  3. Appoint a teacher panel for each course
  4. Form student units for the VLE in schools and other institutes